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These are the significant developments in our community in 2018 which were spearheaded and accomplished by the RHAI Board of Directors, with the full support and cooperation of whole Remmanville community

Recognition of Outstanding Remmanville Residents

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Community Sanitation Issues

The old practice of neighboring Annexes up to Malacanang dulo of dumping their garbage right at the corner of Dominic Savio St. (now Remmanville Drive) and Pres. E. Aguinaldo St. (now Remmanville Lane) during the night was COMPLETELY STOPPED through tight security measures. Now the area is clean and free of garbage.  

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to protect Pedestrians - Remmanville Drive

For the safety of the pedestrian passing/walking through Remmanville Drive, steel railings were installed. Lamp posts were also installed to brighten the area during the night. This has greatly improved the safety and security of the everyone walking through the Remmanville Drive, both day and night.

Old Look

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New Look

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RHAI Road Repairs

After Maynilad has finished their sewer systems works inside our village, the whole Nery St. and Immaculate St. (which were affected by the diggings) were asphalted which greatly improved the street quality. Minor road repairs and asphalting were also done in some streets.


Childrens Playground Improvements

To give a better place for our children to simply stroll, play, relax, get-together and bond with each other, etc., a significant improvement on our Children’s Playground was implemented and completed. Compared to the old playground, our children now have a BETTER and a more-secured playground to use.

Installation of donated Spanish-type Lamp Posts

Painting of the Playground Fence

Development & Constructions Works Done

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NEW LOOK – Children’s Playground

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OLD LOOK – Children’s Playground

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To prevent serious flooding of Remmanville Executive Village during strong rains coming from the Baloc-Baloc Creek, the RHAI Board on 20 January 2018, requested Hon. Cong. Gus Tambunting to construct a higher and much stronger Retaining Walls on the Baloc-Baloc Creek along our perimeter fence. Our request was granted and on 2019, the well-improved Retaining Walls at Baloc-Baloc Creek was completed.

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