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These are the significant developments in our community in 2021 which were spearheaded and accomplished by the RHAI Board of Directors, with the full support and cooperation of whole Remmanville community

RHAI Ownership of Dominic Savio St. (now Remmanville Drive)

We have completed the documents – TCT, Tax Declaration, Tax Mapping, etc. – to prove that RHAI is the rightful Owner of Dominic Savio St. (now Remmanville Drive)

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Encroached RHAI Area by IHMC – 175 sq. m.

Based on the RHA Property Survey conducted, it has been found that the IHMC encroached into RHAI property by 175 sq. m. Appropriate initial action has been implemented, calling the attention of IHMC on this matter.

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Cleaning of Baloc-Baloc Creek

To prevent serious clogging of Baloc-Baloc Creek due to waste materials being dumped illegally which may caused damaging flood at our Remmanville Community, we have coordinated with MMDA to clean the Baloc-Baloc Creek free of debris and waste materials

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Clearing of the Small Open Space Area near the RHAI Office

The small open space area near the RHAI Office has been leveled and cleared to be used for a more productive use. In fact, during the Pandemic Period, the RHAI Board has been using this space for Board Meetings in order to mee the required “social distancing” during any gatherings

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Installation of Humps Inside Remmanville

For safety purposes, humps were installed on seven (7) streets approaching Nery St. (main road)

New Security Control Gate Along Remmanville Drive

For a more effective and efficient security and to further assert RHAI’s Ownership of Remmanville Drive, a new Security Control Gate has been constructed on Remmanville Drive.

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Repair and Asphalting of Remmanville Drive

As the Owner of Remmanville Drive, on 22 October 2021, we initiated a request addressed to  Cong. Joy Tambunting and Mayor Edwin Olivarez, to repair the badly damaged Remmanville Drive (in front of Puregold Remmanville), which has been causing heavy traffic in the area and posing safety hazard to pedestrians. Cong. Tambunting and Mayor Olivarez granted our request! We now have a newly repaired and asphalted Remmanvile Drive

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Construction of the RHAI New Club House

Sometimes Sept. 2020, we requested Cong. Gus Tambunting and Cong. Joy Tambunting for  budget to develop our Open Space Area. Last January 2021, DPWH met with the RHAI President and informed that a 3-storey Multi-purpose Building (Clubhouse) has been approved for RHAI!! Now, we have a NEW CLUBHOUSE

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Samahang Barangay Don Bosco (SBDB) Tricycle Terminal Issues and Concerns

The SBDBTODA has been using the sidewalks along Remmanville Drive, specifically near Puregold REmmanville, as their illegal terminal. Aside from causing heavy traffic in the area, this has caused safety hazard to the pedestrian as they have been walking on the middle of the street as the sidewalks have been occupied by the SBDBTODA tricycles. We have elevated this serious concerns to the Barangay Don Bosco, Office of the Paranaque City Mayor, for their further action. We also called for a meeting among the residents in the area, Palm Grove, Landcris, Amanda Bldg., Puregold Remmanville and the TODA Representatives, to address and resolve the issue. Now, we now have a side walk, free of tricycles

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Puregold Remmanville

We also helped facilitate the early construction and completion of Puregold Remmanville. The Board specifically requested that it should be named PUREGOLD REMMANVILLE

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Christmas 2021

Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic situation, the RHAI Board of Directors/Officers and volunteer HO's lighten up the Children's Park with Christmas Lights during the 2021 Christmas Season to brighten up and strengthen our HOPE for a NEW TOMORROW!

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