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                                                                                     PROJECT #2023-003           
                                              SOLUTION TO THE PERENNIAL FLOODING AT LOWER NERY ST.




Our HO’s / Members residing at Lower Nery St. have been suffering from excessive flooding every time heavy rains hit us. The flood water rises up as high as four feet (4 ft.)!! Houses in the area totally submerged!!!  The RHAI Board has been brain storming on how to solve this problem and to eliminate once and for all the flooding of Lower Nery St. We came out with the following ideas:


  1. Road Elevation. Elevating the road may only cause more problems to the residence, because their house flooring will then be lower than the road.


    2. Create/construct an Open Canal to divert the flood water directly to the creek.


We found out, however, that the road level of Lower Nery St., is BELOW the level of the creek.  This is the main reason why the water level increase very fast -  water is back flowing to Lower Nery St. coming from the creek.


During the 03 December 2022 RHAI Special Board Meeting, Mr. Edwin Concepcion and Mr. Ed Mojado, also presented to the RHAI Board another solution to address the flooding at Lower Nery St., which is:


  • To create/construct a Ground Tank where flood water will be collected then install a Submersible Pump to pump out flood water from the Ground Tank into the Balok-Balok creek. Simultaneously, all Run Off drainage in that area will be CLOSED to prevent the back flow of water from the creek.


Again, after lengthy deliberation and discussions, it was the consensus of the Board to proceed with the proposed solution of creating/constructing a Ground Tank at Lower Nery St. to collect flood water and pump this out to Balok-Balok creek thru a submersible pump. As such, Board Resolution No. BR-RHAI-17/19-179 was approved for the above purpose.


With the above solution, we ardently hope that the problem of flooding at Lower Nery St. will be totally eliminated, to prevent further hardship of our HO’s at Lower Nery St. during heavy rains. We will endeavor to finish this project before the start of the rainy season this year.


Please refer to the attached pictures where we plan to construct the Ground Tank.

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